Parkinson’s Disease
Learn to Recognize the Initial Symptoms of Parkinson’s
Hired Hands Homecare’s Napa senior living experts share information on the initial symptoms of Parkinson’s.
Parkinson’s disease affects one out of 100 people above the age of 60, plus the U.S. sees around 60,000 new cases every year, reports the Michael J. Fox Foundation. Because April is Parkinson’s Awareness Month, the home care experts at Hired Hands Homecare want to help raise understanding of the initial symptoms of Parkinson’s, as finding help early is crucial.
A proper diagnosis for Parkinson’s disease requires a battery of tests to rule out other conditions that often mimic Parkinson’s symptoms. However, early diagnosis and treatment might help patients boost their overall condition and experience a greater total wellbeing over time.
Here are warning signs and initial symptoms of Parkinson’s disease:
Moderate tremors – usually the symptom causing visitors to seek medical assistance.
Difficulty getting out of a … Read More »
Providing Elderly Care in Napa | Caring for a Parent With Parkinson’s
Learn tips on caring for a parent with Parkinson’s disease.
A large number of older adults with Parkinson’s disease receive the largest part of their care at home from loved ones, specifically during the earlier levels of the disease. As the leader in elderly care in Napa and the surrounding area, we at Hired Hands Homecare are aware of the unique concerns experienced by family members who are care providers for a parent with Parkinson’s, and want you to know you’re not alone! We are always available to offer recommendations and to partner with you in making sure your loved one is receiving the highest quality care at all times.
To begin with, it’s very helpful to keep these Parkinson’s-specific tips in mind:
Nutrition: A healthy diet helps lessen cell loss in an individual with Parkinson’s. Getting plenty of antioxidants, like … Read More »
At Home Caregivers in Santa Rosa | The Link Between Exercise and Parkinson’s Disease
Learn the important link between exercise and Parkinson’s disease symptom progression.
The particular results of exercising throughout aging are fantastic; however, for people who have Parkinson’s disease, it could truly be a game-changer in the progression associated with the disease. Several studies are revealing direct links between exercise and Parkinson’s disease, including the largest clinical study up to now, in which patients who exercised at least 2½ hours each week gained a higher total wellbeing compared to those who refrained from physical activity. And that’s only the start.
The onset of Parkinson’s symptoms develops following a loss in the brain cells that make dopamine. Experts think that exercise makes it possible for the brain to revive lost connections, form new ones, and keep maintaining those that continue to be in place. Additional studies show:
Gains were realized in stride length, gait … Read More »
If Your Loved One Has Parkinson’s Disease, Be Sure You Know the Heimlich Maneuver
If your senior loved one has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, you’ve likely become familiar with the most common symptoms: Tremors. Unsteady gait and balance. Slower movements. But you may not have realized another serious concern: difficulty with eating that can lead to choking.
Chewing and swallowing issues are, unfortunately, all too common in those with Parkinson’s disease, especially in the later stages of the disease. Since Parkinson’s patients are at a heightened risk of choking, everyone involved in the senior’s care should learn how to correctly perform the Heimlich maneuver in the event of an emergency.
Someone who is choking may gasp or cough, but will be unable to speak or breathe and needs immediate assistance. To perform the Heimlich maneuver on the person exhibiting signs of choking, follow these steps:
Standing behind the person, wrap your arms around his or her … Read More »
Noticing Early Signs of Parkinson’s Disease? These Resources Can Help!
If your senior loved one has just been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, you may be feeling overwhelmed and unsure where to turn next. And, you’re likely to have a number of questions that arise AFTER you leave the doctor’s office. The best time to seek out resources and assistance is when the early signs of Parkinson’s disease are being noticed, and to help you begin the journey to providing the best care for your loved one, we’ve compiled the following list of some of the top Parkinson’s disease resources.
Parkinson’s Disease Fact Sheet: The Family Caregiver Alliance offers an informative guide for patients and caregivers about Parkinson’s disease.
10 Signs that Your Parent Might Have Parkinson’s Disease: offers this handy checklist to help decipher whether or not a loved one might be exhibiting symptoms of Parkinson’s disease.
Parkinson’s Disease Caregiving: This site … Read More »
How to Ensure a Senior’s Home is Safe for Parkinson’s Care at Home
Since those with Parkinson’s disease are at a heightened risk for balance and vision concerns, they’re also at an increased risk of falling. The in-home care specialists at Hired Hands Homecare in California have a wealth of experience in providing safe Parkinson’s care in seniors’ homes, and can help reduce the risk of falls by providing a thorough safety evaluation of the home, room by room. Here are some tips to get started on making your senior loved one’s home safer, more comfortable, and as accessible as possible:
Place a firm chair in the bedroom for the senior to sit in while dressing, and include a sturdy footstool for his/her use when putting on socks and shoes
Remove any portable space heaters, electric blankets, and any other potential fire hazards
Secure a bed rail between the box spring and mattress
Use nightlights in strategic … Read More »
Parkinson’s Disease Facts: The 5 Stages and How to Best Provide Care
More commonly diagnosed in men than in women, and more prevalent than MS, muscular dystrophy, and Lou Gehrig’s disease combined, Parkinson’s disease affects an astounding of 7 – 10 million people across the globe, and as many as 600,000 in America are diagnosed each year. Although each individual’s experience with Parkinson’s can vary widely, there are typically five stages of progression that are common to all. Since it’s Parkinson’s Awareness Month, Hired Hands Homecare of California would like to share the following important information on these stages:
Stage 1: Also known as early-stage Parkinson’s, the individual in this stage usually exhibits only mild signs or symptoms that may appear as follows:
Symptoms are on one side of the body only
Symptoms are concerning, but not disabling
Tremors or shaking in one limb may be discovered
Loved ones can frequently observe differences in the individual’s balance, … Read More »