Chemotherapy Basics, and How Hired Hands Homecare’s California Caregivers Can Help
If you or a loved one has been diagnosed with cancer, you may feel as though your world has turned upside down. It’s hard to focus on all of the details, options and choices that need to be considered.
At Hired Hands Homecare, our California caregivers understand the challenges and struggles faced by those battling cancer and by those who love them, and want to help. To start, we thought it might be beneficial to provide some basic details about one of the most commonly recommended treatments – chemotherapy – and answer some of the most frequent questions about this treatment option.
Chemotherapy’s main purpose is to destroy cancer cells, stop cancer cells from spreading, and/or slow cancer cell growth. There are many different kinds of chemotherapy, and it can be given in the following forms:
An IV (intravenously)
A shot (injection) into a … Read More »