Search Results for "senior health"

Customized Ross Home Care Services for Seniors

Posted on December 14th, by Marissa Snook in . Comments Off on Customized Ross Home Care Services for Seniors

Our Ross home care services brighten life each day for older adults.

Hired Hands Homecare provides highly personalized Ross home care services for older adults that lead to smiles, shared laughter, and an overall better quality of life. We’ve been serving California families since 1994, and we are committed to providing the best possible care where it’s most comfortable – at home.

We realize firsthand how intimidating it can be to search for just the right care solution. To further assist you, we’ve compiled the following list of local helpful resources: 

California Department of Aging
The California Department of Aging administers programs for seniors, adults with disabilities, family caregivers, and long-term care facility residents throughout the state. 

Ross Area Aging and Adult Services
The Marin County Aging and Adult Services website serves as an online search tool for information, services, … Read More »

How Care for Diabetes in Seniors Is Different

Caring for diabetes in seniors may look a little different, as explained by the top providers of home care assistance in Kentfield and the surrounding areas.

Diabetes is a complex condition, and managing it effectively can be challenging regardless of age. And although it seems intuitive to know the importance of managing blood glucose levels, there’s actually so much more to it than that, especially when caring for diabetes in seniors. 

The Power of Play for Seniors: Why Recess Isn’t Just for Kids

Hired Hands Homecare discusses the power of play for seniors.

Do you remember that feeling as a young child when the school bell rang, indicating the conclusion of science and the start of the best part of the day: recess? There was an immense feeling of freedom bounding out onto the playground, leaving behind the pressure of school work for a quick period of unstructured play. Regrettably, for the majority of adults, this is just a happy but distant memory. Play for seniors isn’t usually something that’s considered by many adults. Nevertheless, is it possible, and even worthwhile, to recapture the enjoyment of playing? 

The Dangers of Senior Loneliness – and How to Help

With over 328 million people residing in the U.S. alone, it is hard to believe that senior loneliness would be so prevalent. And yet of the number of older adults living alone, more than 60% of them report being chronically lonely. 

Can Planning for Senior Falls Actually Prevent Them?

Senior falls can have serious consequences, but with a plan, the risk for falls can be greatly reduced.

Senior falls are all too frequent and may have serious outcomes. Taking preventative measures is key, such as examining the house for fall risks like area rugs and various tripping hazards, inadequate lighting, and a lack of appropriate grab bars and railings. But there is also a new strategy being advised now: creating a fall plan of care, which, when utilized correctly, has been shown to reduce fall-related emergency room visits up to 40%.

So while we absolutely don’t want to plan for a loved one to fall, we are able to be better equipped by helping the person take the following steps:

Stay vigilant – Avoid letting your mind wander and instead maintain your full focus on your surroundings.
Check vision … Read More »

3 Things You Should Never Say to Someone Facing a Health Concern

Posted on August 10th, by Mark Winter in Aging, Alzheimer's, Care Manager, Caregiver Careers, Caregiver Support Tip. No Comments

When a friend or loved one is facing a health concern, it’s important to know what not to say.

Have you ever walked in to the office or a get-together with friends or family and had a person say to you with great concern, “You really look tired today!” Although you may have been feeling pretty perky before that interaction, without warning you may suddenly actually feel exhausted and rundown. The words we use with each other and the manner by which we interpret them are meaningful. And when speaking with people who have a long-term health concern, it’s very important to thoughtfully think about what to express, and maybe more importantly, what NOT to say, that can help the person feel his or her best.

While we are surely well meaning, there are specific comments which are … Read More »

Health Risks Of Ibuprofen and Naproxen

As we grow older, most of us develop aches and pains. Sometimes we overlook the pain and get on with life, but other times soreness and pain interfere with our activities. But rather than simply swallowing a few pain pills from your medicine cabinet, you should know about recent FDA warnings about the health risks of ibuprofen and naproxen. 

These over-the-counter pain relievers, sold under various brand names, such as Advil, Motrin, and Aleve, can be quite helpful. But as with any medicines, prescription or over-the-counter, they must be taken with caution, particularly because the FDA has confirmed that these have a hidden danger.

Although the FDA has long warned that nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) may potentially boost the danger of heart disease and stroke, the wording of this warning has been modified to reflect a more serious nature, … Read More »

Care Tips for Seniors With Dysphagia

Seniors who have dysphagia can benefit from a variety of easy-to-implement care tips.

There’s nothing better than a tall, cold drink on a warm summer day, but for someone with dysphagia, this simple pleasure can be downright dangerous. There are millions of seniors with dysphagia – or trouble swallowing – due to weakened mouth and/or throat muscles. Alzheimer’s, MS, cancer, and stroke are all culprits as well. 

Signs of dysphagia include:

Coughing, gagging or choking when eating, drinking, or taking medication
A gurgling sound in the senior’s voice after eating/drinking

Additionally, if you suspect dysphagia in an older family member, ask him or her the following questions – and check with the doctor right away for further guidance:

Are you coughing or choking when trying to eat or drink?
Are you having frequent problems with food “going down the wrong pipe?”
Is food … Read More »

Advice for the Boomerang Generation: Caring for Senior Parents

Posted on April 8th, by Mark Winter in Aging, Caregiver Support Tip, Caregivers, Family Caregivers, Respite Care. 1 Comment

Hired Hands Homecare, providers of elderly care in Napa and nearby areas, provides advice for the boomerang generation.

Thanks to the advances of science and medicine, we’re now living longer than ever before, resulting in a new responsibility for not only the sandwich generation (adults who are providing care at home for both children and aging parents) but for countless aging adults who have been coined the boomerang generation. Luckily, there are some pieces of advice for the boomerang generation that can help seniors care for their aging parents while also caring for themselves. 

“Aging together” is the term being used to describe older adults whose mother and/or father are still living and in need of support to remain safe at home. This leads to a wave of seniors uprooting and “boomeranging” back to live in close proximity … Read More »

Top Tips For Selecting a Home Care Provider for a Senior Loved One

A trusted home care partner can help a senior loved one thrive in the comfort of home.

There are a number of facets involved in selecting a home care provider for an older adult. In our continued quest to help families sort through their options for home care with knowledge and confidence, the following are three tips to remember: 

Assessing Needs

With a professional home care agency, you don’t need to worry about determining what services are best for a particular situation. Prior to starting care, the agency will come to the home and, through a series of questions, be able to develop a care plan that is customized to the situation and suits the particular needs associated with the person needing care. The agency may also work with the client’s physician or others on the care team, … Read More »

Contact Us to Learn More!

Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us at (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

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We say YAY for Jose’!

Over Napa way, we are completely honored to celebrate Jose’ as our next Caregiver of the Month!

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Feeling Bored as a Caregiver? Try These Ideas!

Identifying the signs of substance misuse in older adults is the first step towards getting them help.

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Getting to the Root of Restlessness in Dementia

Uncover the reason behind restlessness in dementia in someone you love by answering these key questions.

Pacing. Fidgeting. Wandering. When you begin...