Diana Miller, Finance Director

Diana Miller is our Finance Director. We recently sat down with her to get to know her a little better. Here’s what Diana had to say!
HH: What initially interested you about Senior Care/ Health Industry?
DM: I became interested in the field because I cared for my mother for several years and then brought in professional homecare to help out. In my career I have worked as a CFO for a large Optometry Practice for 8 years, managed a government billing department consisting of 34 employees, lead the charity program at a large south bay hospital, managed several Orthopedic Surgeon practices, and was Project Manager at a medical software company which interfaced with all the EMR’s extracting data for government reporting for population health management.
I also have a small home business doing Optometry Consulting. I also design and produce custom dyed Victorian lampshades which I sell on line and to various regional interior designers.
HH: Wow! It sounds like you keep busy. What motivates you in your daily work?
DM: I enjoy data and details. I love producing improvements especially in the financial arena. I like to see when those improvements assist in company growth.
HH: What do you see as the most important personality traits in your profession?
DM: I feel I am driven, detailed, and easy going but firm since I do love to see results.
HH: If you were not a professional in the home care industry, what would you be doing?
DM: I have a pretty big bucket list. I’d be creating art and selling it or flipping houses. I’d also like to travel for a living. That would be great fun.
HH: If possible, who would you most like to swap places with for a single day?
DM: I have always been fascinated with the medieval period. I would love to trade places with someone from that era who was close to kings and queens and daily castle life. I would also enjoy seeing some fighting and battles.
HH: If you could visit anywhere in the world, where would you go and why?
DM: The next place I’d like to visit is Scotland for a few weeks. I’d like to tour the countryside and see a lot of castles and play some golf as well.
HH: What is your favorite hobby or something you are passionate about?
DM: I am passionate about a lot of things in my life, cooking, hiking, swimming, kayaking. Another hobby I enjoy during the summer months is creating picassiette art in making garden pavers, tables, mirrors, bird bathes, wine racks, etc.
HH: What is your favorite family tradition?
DM: We all like to have a good time. Since my children are grown, we like to get together to cook and hike. We also like to travel and spend holidays together. We have a tradition of meeting to celebrate our past relatives’ birthdays. We also make a point of gathering at least once a month for a family meal.
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