Sonoma Elder Care

There’s No Cookie Cutter Approach to California Senior Care

The most wonderful thing about human beings is that every one of them is altogether unique, and that doesn’t change simply because of age. As we get older, we stay the unique and intricate individuals that we have been our whole lives. Assuming that all seniors will act the same and require the same things is a cookie cutter approach that just will not work for seniors or those who take care of them. Providing care to older individuals necessitates an innovative and careful approach that permits the caregiver to determine just who an older adult is and what his or her specific needs are to determine the best plan of care to keep the individual healthy and well at home.

Senior Medical Appointments and Procedures Made Easier with These Tips

Posted on November 27th, by Mark Winter in Caregivers, Senior Health, Sonoma Elder Care. No Comments

The statistics are alarming: a recent study conducted by the Annals of Family Medicine uncovered that a typical primary care physician has a “panel” of more than 2,000 patients – those who are under his or her care. Further, the study outlined that such a physician would need to “spend 21.7 hours per day to provide all recommended acute, chronic and preventive care for a panel of 2,500 patients.”

It’s no wonder that we as patients, not to mention the doctors themselves, feel so rushed and stressed. With the need for so many senior medical appointments, treatments, and procedures due to the many chronic diseases and effects of aging that are prevalent, it’s more important than ever to take steps to maximize the time we have with our doctors.

In our previous blog post, we outlined some information and questions to prepare … Read More »

Why Senior Bruising Is So Prevalent, and How to Help

Posted on August 23rd, by Mark Winter in Aging, Senior Health, Sonoma Elder Care. 1 Comment

Of the many changes that occur in aging, increased bruising is one that can be frightening for family members to notice in their senior loved ones. While it’s important to check with the senior’s doctor whenever there’s a concern with his or her health, it’s also helpful to know that bruising in older adults is quite common, resulting from the thinning of the skin and reduction in fat experienced in aging. Even a slight bump or scrape can lead to much more extensive bruising than in younger skin.

Hired Hands Homecare offers the following tips to help reduce the chances for bruising, and to help heal bruising when it occurs:


Perform a safety assessment of the home, ensuring there are clear, wide walking paths with stumbling/tripping/bumping hazards removed. Hired Hands Homecare can help evaluate the senior’s home for safety hazards as well.
Encourage … Read More »

Alzheimer’s Disease Tips: When There’s an Alternate Reality

Posted on July 27th, by Mark Winter in Alzheimer's, Dementia, Sonoma Elder Care. 1 Comment

These Alzheimer’s disease tips can help when someone is experiencing an alternate reality.

Alzheimer’s disease alters someone’s mind so that memories surrounding more recent incidents are forgotten or mixed up while memories about the more distant past often continue to be intact. This might cause past years to make more sense to an individual with dementia than the present. An individual’s alternate reality can be his or her method of making sense of the present through previous recollections.

People with Alzheimer’s disease or another form of dementia often have problems expressing themselves, and sometimes their alternate reality has more to do with a desire or a particular feeling they are trying to express than it has to do with the things they are saying.

For instance:

“When will my husband be home?” This question could possibly be more about a desire for … Read More »

Preventing Back Injuries: 10 Tips All Caregivers Should Follow

Posted on June 21st, by Mark Winter in Caregivers, Sonoma Elder Care. No Comments

If you’re providing care for an elderly loved one at home, it’s more than likely that you’ll find yourself in situations where you need to lift, move or transfer him or her – which, if not performed correctly, can place you in danger of hurting either yourself or your senior loved one. Injuries occur most frequently when caregivers:

Have not learned proper lifting and transferring techniques
Do not recognize when they’ve reached their physical limitations
Are not equipped for the physical strain of transferring and lifting
Desire to “manage it themselves” rather than asking for help

Since back injuries are especially prevalent as a result of incorrect lifting techniques, preventing back injuries by learning proper lifting protocol is crucial. Hired Hands Homecare of California would like to share some of the top guidelines to help minimize risk of back injury for family caregivers:

Only lift what … Read More »

Uncover the Myths and Truths Surrounding Seniors and Exercise

Posted on May 17th, by Mark Winter in Senior Health, Sonoma Elder Care. No Comments

The positive factors of remaining physically active are extensive and apply to everyone, young and old alike. Very often when we hear professionals make suggestions for people to become more physically active, we incorrectly think that they are encouraging us to become athletes, runners, or body builders. We may also erroneously think that we need to hire a personal trainer, join a gym, or sign up for a 5K. Instead, what experts are motivating people to do is really quite simple – get your body in action and keep it moving as much as you can. This applies to seniors and exercise just as much as it is to their younger counterparts. As a matter of fact, seniors may even benefit more than younger adults from staying active.

If you think about it, moving can consist of a very wide range … Read More »

If Your Loved One Has Parkinson’s Disease, Be Sure You Know the Heimlich Maneuver

Posted on April 27th, by Mark Winter in Senior Health, Sonoma Elder Care. No Comments

If your senior loved one has been diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease, you’ve likely become familiar with the most common symptoms: Tremors. Unsteady gait and balance. Slower movements. But you may not have realized another serious concern: difficulty with eating that can lead to choking.

Chewing and swallowing issues are, unfortunately, all too common in those with Parkinson’s disease, especially in the later stages of the disease. Since Parkinson’s patients are at a heightened risk of choking, everyone involved in the senior’s care should learn how to correctly perform the Heimlich maneuver in the event of an emergency.

Someone who is choking may gasp or cough, but will be unable to speak or breathe and needs immediate assistance. To perform the Heimlich maneuver on the person exhibiting signs of choking, follow these steps:

Standing behind the person, wrap your arms around his or her … Read More »

Celebrating Latinos in the Workplace!

Posted on March 16th, by Mark Winter in Caregivers, Hired Hands News, Homecare, Sonoma Elder Care. No Comments


Latinos in the Workplace Conference
Date: March 10, 2016
Time: 7:30 am – 11:30 amLocation:
Flamingo Conference Resort & Spa
2777 Fourth Street
Santa Rosa, CA


Join us today as we celebrate Latinos in the Workplace.  We salute this amazing group of people that are such an absolute important part of our Community!

An educational forum that seeks to help all employers provide a safe, productive and enriching work environment for Latino employees and empower Latinos to become tomorrow’s leaders.

Speakers and Topics:

Sonoma County Supervisor Shirlee Zane, 3rd District
Opening Remarks

Brett Martinez, President & CEO, Redwood Credit Union
Building Organizational Culture and Leadership from Within

David M. Lanier, Secretary of the California Labor and Workforce Development Agency

Juliann Sum, Chief of Cal/OSHA Division of Occupational Safety and Health
Providing a Safer Workplace in the 21st Century
Diana Ruiz, President and Founder of the Women’s Global Leadership Initiative
Effective Strategies to Recruit, Retain and Develop Latino Talent

Andre Arbelaez, President of … Read More »

How to Overcome Roadblocks to Exercise and Improve Senior Fitness

Posted on February 14th, by Mark Winter in Senior Health, Sonoma Elder Care. 5 comments

Getting into a routine exercise regimen is challenging at any age. Working out is tiring. We don’t want to invest the time. We’re feeling sore from yesterday’s exercising. We’ve all made excuses like these for not exercising; but frailty and advanced age make it even more difficult to stick to an exercise plan and maintain senior fitness.

Hired Hands Homecare wants to help seniors remain active with tips to overcome the following common senior fitness roadblocks:

Self-confidence: It’s normal for older adults to feel overwhelmed with the idea of meeting exercise goals. It can help to begin slowly with exercises that are easily accomplished and advance gradually; and, motivate the senior with frequent encouragement.
Attitude: Attitude is everything when it comes to physical fitness. If approached negatively, it will be much harder to maintain an effective exercise regimen. Choose activities that will be … Read More »

Hired Hands Homecare’s Top Holiday Outing Tips with Elderly Loved Ones

Posted on December 13th, by Mark Winter in Benefits of Home Care, Sonoma Elder Care. No Comments

The holidays are full of festivities, parties, gatherings, and celebrations. But, for an elderly loved one, holiday outings require a little advance planning. Follow these pointers from Hired Hands Homecare in an effort to enjoy fun and relaxed outings with loved ones of all ages this season.

Before leaving the home, consider:

The amount of walking involved, and if there is parking nearby
Whether the destination is flat or has hills or stairs to climb
If there is wheelchair access (if appropriate)
Whether there is cover and shade
Whether there are toilet facilities
Whether there are chairs or benches available in case the senior needs a rest

Be certain to be prepared for a wide range of possibilities:

Have all the medicines needed and take an extra supply, just in case the outing lasts longer or takes an unexpected turn
Have appropriate clothing as well as sun and rain protection
Bring … Read More »

Contact Us to Learn More!

Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us at (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

From Our Blog:

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Getting to the Root of Restlessness in Dementia

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