Pleasanton Senior Care

4 Ways to Promote Purpose and Meaning for Seniors

Promote purpose and meaning for the seniors in your life with these ideas.

Think of a typical day in the life of a senior loved one. Hopefully it provides several positive and enriching experiences: enjoying breakfast, engaging in a fun hobby or interest, visiting with a friend or family member, watching a favorite TV show. Nevertheless, there’s a difference between positivity and purpose and meaning for seniors; and the need for a life rich with significance and purpose is starting to become more evident, particularly in the life of aging parents.

Viktor Frankl , world-renowned psychiatrist and survivor of the Holocaust, shares poignantly, “What matters is not the meaning in life in general, but rather the specific meaning of a person’s life at a given moment.”

For people whose identity has been focused on a career and raising … Read More »

How to Find Joy Despite Living with Pain or Chronic Illness

Even while living with pain or chronic illness, it is possible to live a full and joyful life.

Have you ever woken up and said, “It’s definitely going to be one of those days!” Maybe your alarm didn’t go off, the hot water heater decided to stop working, and the dog chewed up one of your favorite shoes overnight. Now consider if each day were “one of those days!” For someone living with pain or chronic illness (and that is the majority of the older adult population), routine struggles and challenges may be a given. 

However, there are several steps that the elderly can take to discover and maintain a life of joy, even in the face of chronic illness. For instance:

Follow passions. Discovering purpose and meaning in every day is essential – and achievable. Many older adults … Read More »

Study Shines Light on Top Family Caregiving Worries: What if I Make a Mistake?

Learn how home care services can help alleviate family caregiving fears.

“Of course Dad can move in with me!” 

Increasingly, more family members are making this commendable decision on a daily basis, signifying the start of lifestyle changes they can only fully gain an understanding of once immersed in them. And even though the rewards of family caregiving are immeasurable, it’s a role that is not without its struggles and challenges. That’s why it’s important to understand the top family caregiving worries that caregivers face. 

It may seem natural to manage everyday activities for a loved one; but it’s not as instinctive as it seems on first impression. For example, helping a loved one into the shower or bath incorrectly may lead to a fall. Inadequate incontinence care could cause skin damage and infection. Non-compliance with a recommended … Read More »

Options for Helping Older Parents Age at Home

Hired Hands Homecare is experienced in helping older parents live comfortably and safely when aging at home.

Ask most older people if they wish to age at home, even if they are struggling with aging-related issues, and the response is in most cases a resounding “yes!” Having to move away from their home, a place with so many memories, can be distressing, even if they admit that it’s getting more difficult to cope. Yet, wishing to continue to be at home and having the ability to stay at home, all alone, are two separate things. So what can you do? Even as a 24/7, around-the-clock family caregiver, you are not able to do it all by yourself. You need help and it could be that in-home care is the solution for aging at home.

Senior Malnutrition Is Surprisingly Common. Learn How to Detect and Prevent It Here.

Keep your loved one’s safe from senior malnutrition.

Remember getting together for Sunday meals at Grandma’s house, when everyone gathered around the table for a home-cooked meal, conversations, and laughter? Unfortunately, with so many families now living at a distance from their elderly loved ones, and with so many varying needs pulling us in multiple directions, it’s hard to maintain this tradition – and it may be just one of the factors contributing to a recent dramatic increase in senior malnutrition.

In fact, as many as 25% of all adults over age 65 in the U.S. are malnourished, triggering critical health concerns. For some seniors who live alone, they simply aren’t inclined to want to prepare nutritious meals for themselves. Others are undergoing feelings of grief, depression, anxiety, cognitive difficulties, poverty, medication side effects, and many other influencers … Read More »

Merry Christmas from Hired Hands Homecare!

“I Don’t Need a Caregiver!”: Tips to Help an Elderly Parent Refusing Care

Learn how an older adult may retaliate when you recommend an in-home caregiver.

Although many older adults adapt quickly when a new caregiver comes into the home, and begin to thrive and enjoy a higher quality of life, there are some seniors who may continue to feel threatened. What do you do if your elderly parent is refusing care? At Hired Hands Homecare, providers of elder care in Marin, we’re sensitive to the feelings of each senior we serve and are experienced in helping to ease concerns and restore peace. 

A senior who feels the need to convince his or her family that a caregiver is simply not necessary may implement one of these common tactics:

Becoming argumentative. Frustrations at being perceived as incapable of self-care may display as an increase in arguments, even over seemingly trivial matters. It’s … Read More »

The Top Reason Seniors May Reject the Idea of Caregiver Services: It May Surprise You!

Older adults tend to resist the idea of caregiver services for one surprising reason.

As the top San Rafael home care providers for the surrounding area, we see firsthand everyday the joy, companionship, and enhanced quality of life older adults receive through our caregiver services. Yet we also know that many seniors initially reject the idea of in-home care help.

To help overcome a senior’s objections to the care needed, it’s important to first understand why he or she is opposed to help at home. And while of course each person will have unique reasoning to support declining help, some of the more common feelings include:

Fear of lost freedom and independence
A desire to remain in control, and not wanting someone to come in and “take over”
Not wanting a “stranger” in the home
Feelings of shame or embarrassment in the … Read More »

Home Care Expert Tips: When a Senior Resists Home Care Services

Find tips for seniors who resist home care services.

Getting used to the reality that a senior you love needs help at home can be challenging. Even more difficult is talking about home care services with the senior and encouraging him or her to acknowledge that assistance is needed. If you have viewed changes in your loved one and you sense the need to initiate speaking about home care as a possibility to improve safety and independence in the home, try some of these conversation starters from the home care team at Hired Hands Homecare to raise the subject in a subtle, non-confrontational way.

If heightened frailty is growing to be a concern:

“I love you, Dad, and now that you’re living by yourself, I’m concerned about your safety. I know someone who can help us to make … Read More »

Four Urinary Incontinence Myths and Truths Behind Each

Posted on July 29th, by Mark Winter in Incontinence, Pleasanton Senior Care, Senior Health. No Comments

Discover the facts behind these four common urinary incontinence myths.

Urinary incontinence can be an uncomfortable and embarrassing topic of conversation for those who are impacted by it. The stigma behind incontinence often contributes to either a lack of factual information, or a belief in some common misunderstandings and myths. The following are some incontinence untruths, and the facts to go with them:

Myth: Urinary incontinence is a normal part of aging.
Truth: Although growing older does increase our risk for incontinence, many older adults are able to maintain normal bladder functioning, so it should certainly never be regarded as an inevitable part of the aging process.

Myth: There’s no treatment for urinary incontinence in seniors.
Truth: In many cases, this is simply not true. There are ways that urinary incontinence can be treated with success.

Myth: Drinking as little water as possible will … Read More »

Contact Us to Learn More!

Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us online or call (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

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“She’s the Greatest!”

Please join Hired Hands Homecare in congratulating Ana as our next Caregiver of the Month!

We have only been working with Ana for about six...

Conversation Starters and Tips for Introducing the Idea of Home Care to Your Parents

If introducing the idea of home care to an older loved one feels uncomfortable, try these tips and conversation starters.

If you...

Why You May Be Noticing an Accelerated Progression of Alzheimer’s

If you’re noticing a more rapid progression of Alzheimer’s lately in someone you love, there are several reasons you’ll want to explore.