Napa Home Care Planning

Celebrating our Veterans

On Monday, November 11, we stand together to provide sincere honor and appreciation to the courageous men and women you have given so much for our safety and freedom.  We thank you for your courage, dedication, and hard work.  And to the families of our Veterans, we thank you for all of your support, resilience, and sacrifice.  It is our honor to be able to provide exceptional service and support to the Veterans and their families in our community.


Sarah is a Shining Star!

Today, we are honored to recognize Sarah F as our most recent Caregiver of the Month!   Sarah joined the Hired Hands Homecare team just a few months ago, but has been amazing since day one.  She is always patient and professional, willing to jump in at the last minute to help when needed, and as her Clients have expressed… “extra caring”!  Recently, a family noted “We LOVE Sarah!  She is exactly the kind of Caregiver we have always wanted.  She is really engaging with Mom, is very safety conscious, super friendly, and keeps Mom mentally active and happy!”

Sarah is one of those Caregivers you wish you could clone and share with everyone.  When communicating with her, you can immediately sense her smile and positive attitude.  The Hired Hands Napa group is so appreciative to have her on our Team, and … Read More »

Overcoming Caregiver Dread is Achievable with These Three Tips

Hired Hands Homecare, providers of elderly care in Santa Rosa and the surrounding areas, provides tips for overcoming caregiver dread.

What are your first thoughts when you wake up in the morning? Are you looking forward to what your day holds, or would you like to crawl back under the covers and stay there? If you are experiencing more dread than delight when you think through your caregiving responsibilities for the day, you are not alone. Overcoming caregiver dread is possible, it just takes a little presence of mind.

Contact us online or call us at (866) 940-4343 to learn about how we can help your family

Distinctly different from anxiety, depression, and even burnout, caregiver dread is an exhausted, heavy sense of duty. It comes from feelings of over commitment together with the desire to get away from obligations. … Read More »

Why You Should Seek Help from an Aging Life Care Professional

Make the best care choices with the help of Hired Hands Homecare and an aging life care professional.

We all desire the best for our loved ones – it’s only natural. Yet in some cases when families are involved in an older person’s care, feelings about what is best may clash. This can cause family members to fight with each other as opposed to working together. This is when it’s often a good idea to enlist the help of an outside person like a geriatric care manager (GCM), one who realizes what seniors need for long-term care and how to accomplish getting this care.

Options for Helping Older Parents Age at Home

Hired Hands Homecare is experienced in helping older parents live comfortably and safely when aging at home.

Ask most older people if they wish to age at home, even if they are struggling with aging-related issues, and the response is in most cases a resounding “yes!” Having to move away from their home, a place with so many memories, can be distressing, even if they admit that it’s getting more difficult to cope. Yet, wishing to continue to be at home and having the ability to stay at home, all alone, are two separate things. So what can you do? Even as a 24/7, around-the-clock family caregiver, you are not able to do it all by yourself. You need help and it could be that in-home care is the solution for aging at home.

The Surprising Hazards Associated with Pill Organizers and Medication Management

Medication management using pill organizers isn’t as easy as you may think for seniors.

Older adults, on average, take as many as 15-18 different prescriptions each day, so it’s no surprise that so many seniors end up missing doses or taking incorrect doses of their medications. And there are serious health complications that can occur as a result of these medication errors. One solution is the pill organizer: such a basic idea to simply put the right medications into the right little boxes each day. However, there are surprising hazards of pill organizers that people don’t realize.

3 Types of Abuse You Need to Know to Keep Seniors Safe

Posted on June 13th, by Marissa Snook in Homecare, Napa Home Care Planning, Paying for Home Care, Senior Health. 2 comments

Ensure senior safety by learning about these 3 types of elder abuse.

Even though abusing an older adult is something that would never cross the mind of most people, it’s a tragically frequent situation in the U.S. Elder abuse can arise in many variations, from physical to emotional, and it impacts the most frail and vulnerable among us.

Given that elder abuse is in many cases a voiceless problem, it’s imperative for families and friends of seniors to be familiar with the symptoms and signs of elder abuse to protect older loved ones. Our home care team have gathered together several of the warning signs that may suggest elder abuse.

Physical Abuse:

Evidence of injury such as bruises, scars, or welts, especially if they are noted symmetrically on both sides of the body
Sprains or broken bones
Drug overdoses or regularly missed medications
Cracked or … Read More »

The Diabetes Symptoms You May Not Be Aware Of

Learn which symptoms to routinely check for when managing diabetes.

Let’s get serious and take a hard look at the statistics: as many as 29 million Americans are currently diagnosed with diabetes—over 9 percent of the entire population.

Diabetes is more rampant in the United States than ever before, and providing care for a loved one impacted by diabetes symptoms is an everyday event. While each person’s experience with the disease is unique, there are certain diabetes symptoms that can crop up with little to no warning, requiring that diabetics and their care providers alike be on the lookout each and every day.

Following are just a few important examples from the American Diabetes Association of diabetes symptoms to watch for on a routine basis:


Overwhelming fatigue

Blurred vision

Cuts and/or bruises that are slow to heal

Reduced weight – even when … Read More »

How to Determine the Best Care Solution for Your Aging Parents

Learn how to determine the best care solution for aging parents.

One of the most selfless decisions adult children can make is determining the best care solution for aging parents. Since our parents took care of us when we were little, it seems only right that we should reciprocate when it becomes difficult or unsafe for your aging parents to live alone. But there are a variety of factors to consider with your siblings before taking this step. Hired Hands Homecare, the top home care company Pleasanton seniors need, outlines some important questions to think through to ensure the best care solution for your senior loved one:

Do any of your siblings, or you yourself, have sufficient space? If setting aside a room for Dad will result in rearranging your children’s own rooms, such as doubling up to share a room … Read More »

Is It ALS? Learn the Symptoms and Stages to Watch for from Hired Hands Homecare.

Posted on August 20th, by Mark Winter in Health, Napa Home Care Planning, Senior Health. No Comments

Learn more about ALS caregiving

Being given a diagnosis of ALS (also known as Lou Gehrig’s disease) can bring up a lot of questions and concerns, for both the individual diagnosed and his/her family members. What causes ALS? What are the symptoms of ALS now, and how will they be changed in the years to come? Where can I go to find needed support?

More than 30,000 Americans are currently diagnosed with ALS , and nearly 5,600 new patients are diagnosed with the disease each year. And even though the actual cause is not clear, some scientific studies point to confusing risk factors, such as a doubled risk of ALS in veterans who served during the Gulf War.

Though each individual can be affected by ALS in different ways from others, the advancement of the disease does seem to follow certain … Read More »

Contact Us to Learn More!

Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us at (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

From Our Blog:

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Why Won’t Mom Eat? It Might Just Be an Eating Disorder.

If you’ve been wondering, “Why won’t Mom eat?” it’s important to know the signs of an eating disorder.

Changes in appetite and...

How to Handle a Dementia Outburst in Public

If you’re unsure how to effectively defuse a dementia outburst in public, these strategies are for you!

Dementia is anything but predictable....

Read This Before Welcoming a New Caregiver Into the Home!

Welcoming a new caregiver into the home is a much smoother process with these tips.

The big day is here—your dad’s first...