Medical News

Yes, There’s Help for Chronic Fatigue in Older Adults

Learn how to recognize and better manage chronic fatigue in older adults.

Some mornings, the snooze button is your best friend—offering a few extra precious moments of rest. But for many older adults, fatigue is more than just morning grogginess; it’s an all-encompassing exhaustion that seeps into every part of their day. As one chronic fatigue sufferer vividly described, “I feel like my battery is permanently drained. It’s as if I’m a dish rag that’s been wrung out and left with nothing to give.”

Could Alzheimer’s Disease Be an Autoimmune Condition?

Could Alzheimer’s disease be an autoimmune condition? Find out here!

Finding a cure for Alzheimer’s has become as tangled as the tau threads long thought to be the root cause of the disease. But now, research workers may be drawing one step closer to unraveling the puzzle of Alzheimer’s, by using a different train of thought. New studies are leaning towards the potential of an inflammatory response in the brain, which poses the question: could Alzheimer’s disease be an autoimmune condition?

What Is Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery and Is It Right for Someone I Love?

Learn about Parkinson’s Wellness Recovery to see if it might be helpful for someone you love.

For individuals living with Parkinson’s disease, the challenges of managing balance, mobility, and overall movement can be profound. As the disease progresses, these difficulties may increase, leading many to assume that less physical activity might be beneficial. However, this assumption is counter to what medical experts and extensive research suggest. In fact, increasing physical activity is strongly encouraged because of its numerous documented benefits in managing Parkinson’s symptoms. In fact, it’s believed to be on par with the adherence to prescribed medications for its role in effective disease management.

Broken Heart Syndrome: How to Help a Loved One Who Is Grieving

It’s not easy to know how to help a loved one who is grieving, but these tips are a great place to start.

In his documentary about grief, George Shelley uses an analogy of glitter. Toss a handful of glitter into the air, and it’s going to settle into all the cracks and crevices of the room, impossible to fully sweep up and remove. Those who have lost a loved one can relate. Yet in certain instances, grief could be so overwhelming that it could result in a serious and aptly named condition: broken heart syndrome.

Broken heart syndrome is a very real physical condition from the intense stress experienced in certain types of grief (such as one spouse losing the other after decades of marriage). The medical term is takotsubo cardiomyopathy, a temporary enlargement of the heart … Read More »

The Most Important Vitamins for Older Adults

With all of the options on store shelves, which are the most important vitamins for older adults?

Minerals, vitamins, and supplements – oh my! Nearly three in four older adults are taking them; but are they really needed as we get older? After all, a balanced and healthy diet offers older adults essential nutrients. But there are specific areas of deficiency that may make a case for the addition of a supplement. Make sure to talk with the doctor before making any changes, but with their recommendation or approval, consider the following important vitamins for older adults:


Aging bones are susceptible to breaks and fractures when calcium intake is inadequate. This is especially true for post-menopausal women, with a full 50% of those over age 50 breaking a bone because of osteoporosis. However, men are also in … Read More »

Understanding Chemo Brain and Its Effects

Chemo brain can last for months or even years after treatment has ended.

Memory lapses, confusion, and difficulty concentrating—these symptoms could easily be attributed to Alzheimer’s, but for cancer survivors, there’s another likely culprit: chemotherapy. Referred to as chemotherapy induced cognitive impairment (CICI) or “chemo brain,” these effects can linger for months or even years after treatment concludes. It’s not exclusive to chemotherapy recipients, either; radiation, surgery, hormonal treatments, and even the cancer itself can contribute to cognitive challenges, complicating effective treatment.

Exploring the Complexity:

Dr. Kevin Liou from the Bendhaim Integrative Medicine Center at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center emphasizes that cancer-related cognitive impairment is a multifaceted issue with various contributing factors. This complexity means that chemo brain can manifest at any point during or after cancer treatment, presenting symptoms like difficulty multitasking, reading comprehension issues, word-finding … Read More »

Why You Need to Find a Geriatrician for the Best Senior Health Care

The best senior health care is provided by a geriatrician who is an expert in the unique needs of older adults.

If your child suddenly developed an illness, who would you call? It’s a no-brainer; many parents have the number on speed dial for the pediatrician they’ve carefully chosen to manage the medical care needs of their children. With their specialized training, working with a trusted pediatrician ensures the best possible care.

Likewise, selecting the best senior health care provider who focuses on specific health concerns of older adults is equally as important. However, sadly, the health care system as a whole has not placed a great focus on the unique health care needs of seniors. Dr. Carla Perissinotto, geriatrician and professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, shares her alarm over this age-related health … Read More »

What’s the Best Flu Vaccine for Older Adults?

Learn about the best flu vaccine for older adults and make sure the seniors you love are protected.

While COVID-19 continues to dominate our overall health concerns, it’s important to keep in mind that other illnesses can be equally as dangerous, especially for older adults. Flu season is upon us, and it’s time to make sure that the seniors you love are protected. This starts with knowing the best flu vaccine for older adults.

The Latest Surprising Facts About Alzheimer’s

The latest surprising facts about Alzheimer’s are changing the way scientists are thinking about what causes the disease.

Surprising facts about Alzheimer’s are surfacing nearly every day, it seems. Take, for instance, amyloid plaques: they’re at the heart of scientists’ hypotheses about what causes Alzheimer’s, and the focus of research is on removing them as an effective treatment option and hopefully, one day, a cure.

Yet a research study led by the University of Cincinnati and in cooperation with the Karolinska Institute in Sweden is turning this thinking upside down. Alberto Espay, the study’s senior author and professor of neurology at UC, shares, “It’s not the plaques that are causing impaired cognition. Amyloid plaques are a consequence, not a cause.”

If Not Amyloid Plaques, Then What?

Espay and the UC team believe the focus should instead shift to … Read More »

Not All Alzheimer’s Diagnoses Are the Same!

Alzheimer’s is increasingly common in older adults, but not all Alzheimer’s diagnoses are the same!

For many years, experts have been examining the advancement of Alzheimer’s through one basic model. Yet not all Alzheimer’s diagnoses are the same, presenting with a variety of symptoms and progression rates.

Now, however, a large, new collaborative study between the US, Canada, Sweden, and Korea is revealing some fascinating information to help us more accurately understand and treat Alzheimer’s disease. Rather than one universal, dominant diagnosis of Alzheimer’s, researchers have discovered that there are four unique variants that occur in as many as 18 – 30% of cases. This change in thinking is helping researchers more fully comprehend the variations in the disease from one person to another.

The findings are also significant in that they are allowing specialists to begin to … Read More »

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Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us at (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

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Why Won’t Mom Eat? It Might Just Be an Eating Disorder.

If you’ve been wondering, “Why won’t Mom eat?” it’s important to know the signs of an eating disorder.

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How to Handle a Dementia Outburst in Public

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Read This Before Welcoming a New Caregiver Into the Home!

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