Advance Care Planning & The Conversation
April 16, 2014 was National Healthcare Decisions Day and I was fortunate enough to take part in an amazing event at the Kaiser Center in Oakland. In collaboration with several passionate volunteers and exhibitors from local hospices and healthcare industries, we broke down some of the stigmas and got to talking. Hundreds of people from all walks of life attended; many, sitting down to have The Conversation and complete their Advanced Healthcare Directive.
In our culture, it is taboo to discuss death; it is unsavory to discuss medical care; it is uncomfortable to talk with your friends and family about your wishes should you not be able to speak or act for yourself. But, it is a conversation that has the power to assure that all are put at ease should a serious illness or injury occur. Why aren’t we having … Read More »
Fermata–a consistent and meticulous Angel
Congrats Fermata! Marin Home Care Caregiver of the Month April 2014
We send a whole-hearted CONGRATS to Fermata, our outstanding Caregiver of the Month for April in Marin. Fermata has been working with Mrs P for over 2 years, providing around the clock home care and has done an AMAZING job. Her attention to detail in caring for Mrs. P is exemplary!
We are proud to have worked with Fermata for over 3 years now, as she has shined from day one. Fermata – a huge thanks for all you do!
Fermata has a can do attitude with a contagious smile on her face. The picture says it all!! Thank you Fermata!!
One of the best Hired Hands Caregivers we’ve ever had
“Dony has shined since Day One!” Marin Caregiver of the Month – March 2014
We’re honored to announce Dony T. as Marin’ s Caregiver of the Month for March 2014! Dony has shined since day one back in 2012, when he first joined the Hired Hands Team. Dony has a real “go getter” attitude and truly focuses on compassion and detailed care when it comes to his work with our clients.
Hired Hands Homecare is proud to be a long time supporter of Senior Access. This stellar organization provides amazing day programs and respite for families dealing with Alzheimer’s, dementia, and memory loss. Recently, they commented that “Dony is one of the best Hired Hands Caregivers we’ve ever had. His willingness to help our members is greatly appreciated and all our members at Senior Access absolutely love working with him.”
Thank … Read More »
“Most of all… she has a BIG heart.”
A BIG CONGRATS to Racy Caregiver of the Month – Feb 2014 Hired Hands Homecare Marin
Hired Hands Homecare has had the pleasure of working with Racy since 2002. In the past twelve plus years, she has done an outstanding job for so many of our clients. Racy is extremely compassionate, caring, carries a terrific up beat attitude, but most of all has a big heart. We thank you for all your hard and dedicated work. It is an Honor to have her on our Team!
Many, Many Thank Yous!
As many of you know, we have the honor of working with many amazing people of Philippine descent on a regular basis. We hope and pray for their families well-being after the devastating typhoon. In hopes of helping, we have connected with an intricate network who are providing much needed resources where they are needed most. We are amazed and overwhelmed with everyone’s generosity in their donations thus far, and wanted everyone to know that every item is truly being put to good use. Below is a bit if recent dialog in regards to the needs, and the help that we together are contributing.
Dear Lynn,
You are an angel! Thank you so much for your support, and your unending generosity and kindness.
My best,
Dear Friends,
I just got back from a trip last … Read More »
Above and Beyond the Call of Duty…
Obed has been with Hired Hands Homecare since June 2013 and has been a phenomenal caregiver who has simply SHINED from day one, going above and beyond the call of duty. Obed simply never says …No! Thank you for all you do and especially for your constant compassion that you bring every day!
Congrats Obed! You’re a Star!Marin’s Caregiver of the Month – Jan 2014