Holiday Care

Hired Hands Homecare’s Top Holiday Tips for Seniors

Posted on December 15th, by Mark Winter in Aging, Holiday Care. No Comments

As we discussed in our last blog, bringing the whole family together for an activity, such as creating a memory book, can provide a wonderful opportunity to connect seniors more closely with the younger generations. At Hired Hands Homecare, we believe it’s so important to strengthen family bonds, and work hard to help seniors participate in activities that foster togetherness with their loved ones, fighting off feelings of loneliness and isolation. There’s no better time than the holidays to bring families together, so we’ve compiled some holiday tips for seniors to help your family.

Sometimes, physical or cognitive limitations can make it difficult for seniors to fully feel a part of the festivities. And sometimes, younger family members can get so caught up in the hectic pace we’ve grown accustomed to that even with the best of intentions, older family members … Read More »

You’re Got to Try This! Our Favorite Holiday Activity for Seniors and Their Families

Posted on December 9th, by Mark Winter in Aging, Holiday Care. No Comments

If your family is like many others, you’re finding a generational gap between seniors and younger family members that may be hard to bridge. Technology often takes priority over the more personal, face-to-face interactions that seniors grew up experiencing, and it can be challenging to set aside the iPhones and tablets and fully engage with each other.

At Hired Hands Homecare, we’ve discovered a tried and true activity that captures the attention and interest of all ages, especially during the holiday season: working together to create a memory book. Memory books capture the life and legacy of a beloved family matriarch or patriarch, and become cherished keepsakes for generations to come.

First, decide whether you’d like to record the memories in writing, as an audio recording or as a video (or some combination of each). Then gather the questions you’d like to … Read More »

Tips for Making the Holidays Brighter for Those with Alzheimer’s

Posted on December 3rd, by Mark Winter in Alzheimer's, Holiday Care. No Comments

Because those with Alzheimer’s disease and other forms of dementia thrive best on routine and predictability, the holiday season, with its influx of visitors, bright decorations, different foods and activities, etc., can cause some unsettled feelings and distress. At Hired Hands Homecare of California, we’re familiar with the overwhelming nature of the holidays for some seniors, and have put together the following ideas that have worked well to help the seniors in our care maintain a sense of calm and peace:

Stretch out the celebration. Rather than opening a pile of gifts at once, try just one or two at a time for a more low-key approach.
Keep it small. Host small get-together visits, stretched out over several days, instead of trying to incorporate someone with dementia into a large, noisy party.
Maintain routines. As much as possible, hold fast to the routines … Read More »

How to Create the Best Plan for Less Caregiving Stress During the Holiday Season

Posted on November 24th, by Mark Winter in Holiday Care. No Comments

This holiday season, help yourself to an extra serving of turkey, potatoes, and pumpkin pie, but forego that heaping helping of stress! The best way to ensure all of the holiday to-dos get done, while caring for your senior loved one and keeping your sanity, is to create a plan that enlists the help of family members, friends and neighbors.

While many of us feel uncomfortable requesting help, the other side of the equation is that loved ones truly do want to lend a hand, but often are unsure how. By providing specific tasks to those who want to help, you’re allowing them the opportunity to provide meaningful assistance, and giving yourself some much needed stress relief.

Make a holiday task list of everything you have to accomplish (or think you have to accomplish). Include items like:

Sending holiday cards
Buying gifts for co-workers, … Read More »

Four Tips to Keep the Holidays Stress-free

Posted on November 14th, by Mark Winter in Holiday Care. 1 Comment

It may be the most wonderful time of the year, but with all of the decorating, shopping, cleaning, gatherings to attend, travel plans to make…it can also be the most stressful time of the year! If you are doing all of these activities while also providing care for a senior loved one, you may find yourself officially overwhelmed.

These days, with nearly everyone cutting back on spending, the holidays have been naturally scaled-back in many ways. However, if you’re still finding yourself overscheduled or pressured to shop and entertain, here are a few tips and shortcuts that can help you maintain your sanity, care for your loved one, and have a jolly holiday:

Check in with your body. If you don’t feel well, don’t say yes to that party invite. Your health is paramount, so make it your priority every time.
Gather in … Read More »

Tips to Help Seniors Beat the Holiday Blues

Posted on November 10th, by Mark Winter in Holiday Care. No Comments

For seniors with a lifetime of holiday memories, this time of year can bring about feelings of warm nostalgia, but can also trigger more negative emotions. Loss of loved ones and times gone by, stressful changes to routine, and perhaps confusion and anxiety if there are underlying physical, mental or emotional conditions at play can all lead to a full-blown case of the holiday blues for seniors.

Many seniors also face loneliness. Even if family members live in the same city, adult children often become so busy with their own lives and social obligations that they fail to recognize how much their parents or grandparents look forward to spending time with them during the holidays. Help an older person enjoy the holiday season by following these simple tips:

Stroll down memory lane. Older people whose memories are impaired may have difficulty remembering … Read More »

5 Unselfish Ways for Caregivers to Reduce Stress over the Holidays

Posted on November 3rd, by Mark Winter in Caregivers, Holiday Care. No Comments

The holiday season can be a whirlwind of fun, celebrating with family and friends, but it can also take a toll on an already overstressed family caregiver. Caring for another person often takes center stage over caring for yourself, but at Hired Hands Homecare in California, we want to provide you with some encouragement to make self-care a priority. After all, a relaxed, healthy caregiver is able to provide a higher quality of care than a frazzled one! Take these five recommendations to heart, and in doing so, help both yourself and those in your care:

Eat a well-balanced diet
When you’re stressed out, you may tend to overeat. When you’re exhausted, it’s easy to resort to whatever is handy; quick snack foods, tea and toast, cheese doodles and soda. You need high quality food to perform well.
Get regular exercise
Exercise is the … Read More »

Contact Us to Learn More!

Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us at (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

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