Fall Prevention: Keep Seniors Safe with Help from Our Tri Valley Home Care Experts
Hired Hands Homecare shares details on how to keep seniors safe from falls.
You may have at one time been by a senior loved one’s side at the hospital or doctor’s office and noticed the medical worker attaching a colorful “FALL RISK” band to his or her wrist. Notifying those providing care to this possibility allows additional measures to keep seniors safe during medical treatments. However, did you realize that ongoing, everyday life can pose a fall risk danger to those diagnosed with the following conditions?
Osteoporosis, a bone density disorder that can also increase a person’s chances of fracturing a hip
Cerebrovascular insufficiency
Neurologic disability (stroke)
Postural hypotension (sudden decrease in blood pressure)
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Best Ways to Provide Older Relatives a Sense of Purpose and Senior Independence
“Here, I can help you with that.”
“Don’t overdo it now!”
“Why don’t you sit here and rest? I’ll handle that.”
How often have we made comments such as these to older adults—with the very best of intentions, of course? We want to do what we can to help our older loved ones, to help them stay safe and to take care of them in the same way they took care of us when we were growing up. However, there’s a concealed risk in trying to do too much for older individuals and depriving them of the ability to do as much as possible for themselves – the threat of harming their self-esteem and sense of purpose in life and making them feel robbed of their senior independence.
Take, for example, an elderly gentleman who spent his entire life … Read More »
How to Create a Sense of Purpose for Someone with Alzheimer’s Disease
Search online for “activities for seniors” and you’re likely to find numerous crafts, games, memory stimulation puzzles, and of course, the requisite bingo. However, what you won’t discover—unless you dig a little deeper with your searches—are the meaningful, beneficial activities that give significance to our lives. And yet, if you ask older individuals what they most want to do, the majority of them won’t mention bingo, crafts and games. What they want more than anything is to feel useful.
The University of Minnesota reveals details on how the most vulnerable times in our lives are a person’s first year of life, and our first year after retiring. The loss of the sense of purpose found in a fulfilling profession can cause significant health issues – and even an earlier fatality rate, if that awareness of purpose is not maintained … Read More »
What You Don’t Know About In Home Care Services
In our last blog post, we outlined the advantages of utilizing a professional home care agency to provide the highest quality and safest level of California home care. But we regularly receive inquiries on exactly what kinds of home care services in Pleasanton and the surrounding area are available to help older adults remain safe and thriving at home. If you’ve determined it’s time to search for in-home help for a senior family member, there are a variety of customized in home care services available. These options can help you figure out the specific type of help your loved one really needs:
Housekeeping: Household tasks can become challenging for older adults to manage. Housekeeping services performed on a daily, weekly, bi-weekly or monthly basis, covering tasks like vacuuming, doing dishes, laundry, changing beds, dusting, preparing meals, and … Read More »
7 Steps to Help Prevent Diabetic Kidney Disease
It’s a fact…diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure. Startlingly, upwards of 40 percent of individuals with diabetes will also ultimately develop chronic kidney disease.
How are diabetes and kidney disease related?
The purpose of our kidneys is to balance chemicals in the body, control blood pressure and keep our bones healthy, as well as remove waste and extra fluid from the blood. The kidneys’ filters are comprised of tiny blood vessels (called glomeruli), which can be damaged by high blood sugar levels, which in turn can lead to diabetic kidney disease. After the kidneys are damaged in this way, they can’t be repaired, and if not treated early, can progress further to kidney failure.
Is it possible to tell if the kidneys are being damaged?
Unfortunately, signs of kidney damage are not noticeable until after kidney … Read More »
How to Ease the Pain of Chronic Kidney Disease with In Home Care Services
For seniors who wish to remain in the comfort of home throughout aging – and, who wouldn’t? – in-home care services provide a lifeline, offering assistance with daily activities that can become difficult in later years and supplying a means of safety, security and enhanced independence. But what happens when an older adult is struggling with a disease, such as chronic kidney disease?
In-home senior care is not only possible for those with kidney disease, but it’s actually preferred over a move to a nursing home or assisted living facility. Consider some of the numerous ways that a professional in-home caregiver, such as Hired Hands Homecare provides, can help those who are at risk for or diagnosed with kidney disease:
Providing education on management of the disease. Caregivers work hand in hand with the senior’s doctor … Read More »
Hold the Salt – Key Foods to Avoid with Kidney Disease
You are what you eat, as the saying goes, and for individuals with kidney disease, it’s even more essential that a proper nutritional plan be adhered to in order to reduce symptoms, such as nausea, swelling, pain and others, and to maybe even slow the progression of the disease. Hired Hands Homecare recommends the following dietary considerations (after approval by one’s healthcare provider) and notes which foods to avoid with kidney disease:
High amounts of sodium in the diet can result in fluid retention, elevated blood pressure, and cause the heart to work harder. Sodium intake should be restricted to 2 grams per day. Refrain from consuming foods that contain significant levels of salt such as:
Canned food
Smoked or processed meats
Pretzels, crackers and chips
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6 Ways to Help Reduce Kidney Pain in Older Adults
Itching. Hiccups. Loss of appetite. Sleep problems. These are just a handful of the numerous seemingly innocuous warning signs that may possibly suggest kidney disease. And with around 20 million people in America fighting kidney pain, and many more not officially diagnosed, it’s crucial to bring any concerning symptoms to the attention of the physician.
If kidney disease is the cause, these guidelines from the National Kidney Center can help you or your loved one adjust and thrive:
Make sure you are knowledgeable. Knowledge is power, and trying to learn as much as you possibly can about the disease will be helpful towards properly managing it.
Stay in control. It’s inherently up to the person with kidney disease, or that individual’s primary caregiver, to be aware of symptoms, monitor test results and treatments, and take responsibility for … Read More »
Tips to Encourage Senior Independence
In a recent blog post, we shared the importance of squelching the impulse to take over and do everything for your senior loved one, and as much as possible, to promote his or her feelings of senior independence. While it’s no doubt easier said than done, there are some key steps you can take towards successfully achieving this goal:
Provide the motivation for the senior to do things for himself, even if that brings about feelings of reluctance or stubbornness, and even if tasks take a bit longer than you’d like.
Provide plenty of opportunities for the senior to engage in exercise and activities. The senior’s doctor can make recommendations for an appropriate exercise plan – and Hired Hands Homecare can help with any needed transportation to make participating in an exercise program easier.
Ask your loved one if help is … Read More »
You Don’t Have to Be a Tech-Savvy Senior to Benefit from Technology
When our parents were younger, telephones were wired to walls, mail was delivered by postmen, and if grown children lived at a distance from their parents, checking in on them meant asking a neighbor to stop by to see how they were making out. If seniors were housebound as a result of illness or frailty, they could very easily start feeling isolated and cut off from the rest of the world. Social circles grew smaller, and distant family members often felt at a loss because they weren’t able to be there to help. But the world has changed dramatically over the past few decades and technology has changed how we communicate and function with our everyday tasks. Technology has also allowed for a revolution in home care for older adults and those who ordinarily might not have been able … Read More »