
New Guidelines and Recommendations for Diabetes Management

Important new diabetes management guidelines for seniors from the Endocrine Society.

The latest guidelines from the Endocrine Society concerning diabetes management and the elderly are unexpected, to say the least: lower blood sugar isn’t always best. And for individuals who’ve been maintaining a routine of finger pricks, insulin injections, and keeping careful track of food intake, this alteration may be a bit hard to swallow.

Known as de-intensification, geriatricians are now often taking the strategy with older adults that the benefits to be attained by aiming for rigid blood sugar control are not outweighing the health risks inherent with aging and illness. When A1c and blood sugar levels are held at low levels in the elderly, for instance, it may possibly result in an increased frequency of hypoglycemia and also kidney failure.

With up to one in … Read More »

Tips for Seniors: Embracing Life in Spite of a Chronic Disease Diagnosis

A chronic disease diagnosis doesn’t mean an end to finding joy in life.

Have you ever gotten out of bed and said, “It’s probably going to be one of those days!” Perhaps your alarm didn’t go off, the hot water heater decided to stop working, and the dog chewed up one of your favorite shoes overnight. Then imagine if every day were “one of those days!” For an individual living with a chronic disease (and that’s much of the elderly population), routine struggles and challenges can be a given.

However, there are many steps that older adults can take to realize and maintain a life of joy, even in the face of a chronic disease diagnosis. For instance:

Follow passions. Discovering purpose and meaning in each day is essential – and possible. Many seniors find gratification in assisting … Read More »

Napa Senior Living: Setting Personal Medical Care Goals When Facing Chronic Conditions

Setting medical care goals is beneficial when facing chronic conditions.

When it comes to chronic diseases, the elderly are usually the experts, hands down, with as many as three out of four older persons impacted by several conditions that are ongoing, necessitate extensive medical treatment, and put limits on activities. With the continuous barrage of bloodwork as well as other tests, doctors’ appointments and procedures, and medications, managing chronic conditions usually takes both a physical and emotional toll, and may very quickly become overwhelming.

Dr. Mary Tinetti, chief of geriatrics and internist at Yale School of Medicine, states, “Once you get three, four, or five and six diseases, several things happen: Number one, almost guaranteed, trying to get one of these diseases under control is going to make one of the other diseases worse. Number two: The more … Read More »

Accepting a Chronic Disease Diagnosis Is Beneficial for Seniors and Their Family Members

Facing a chronic disease diagnosis head-on does not mean giving up.

In Isaac Asimov’s opinion, “The easiest way to solve a problem is to deny it exists.” It’s a standard feeling for many family caregivers when their loved one is faced with a chronic disease diagnosis, such as dementia. Even though this can instill some measure of comfort in thinking that life can carry on like it always has, if only we don’t acknowledge this new reality, the truth is that acknowledgement is extremely important in order to get the necessary support.

It is understandable for a family member to wish to deliver all of the care a senior loved one needs. Nevertheless, frequently in the crux of denial are feelings of guilt, helplessness, and in some cases incompetence in the ability to “fix things.” And you will … Read More »

6 Tips to Try When Chemotherapy Affects Appetite

Chemotherapy can impact a person’s appetite, but these tips can help.

Eating healthy is especially crucial for those undergoing chemotherapy or another type of cancer treatment, but one of the major side effects preventing patients from eating well is a change in how foods taste. It’s important to overcome this and other obstacles to healthy eating in order to maintain the strength needed for chemotherapy treatments and protect against infections. Eating a balanced diet may even help cancer patients better manage higher doses of certain types of medications.

When experiencing challenges with taste changes that interfere with adhering to a recommended dietary plan during cancer treatment, the following cancer nutrition tips from Hired Hands Homecare, providers of the the best senior care Santa Rosa, CA seniors need, can help:

Experiment with different food temperatures. For some people … Read More »

Snake Venom Could Open New Treatments for Cancer

Posted on October 22nd, by Mark Winter in Aging, Cancer, Health, Medical News, Senior Health, Senior Independence, Technology. No Comments

Learn how snake venom could possible provide treatment for cancer patients.

Besides helping to manage our mouse and rodent population, it may be hard to think of anything beneficial about snakes – especially poisonous ones. Yet there may be a surprising silver lining to slithery serpents: innovative new treatments for cancer.

Just ask Steve MacKessy of the University of Northern Colorado. He’s been collecting and studying snake venom for decades, freeze-drying the venom to retain its properties. He still works with samples gathered as many as 40 years ago, sharing, “A lot of other protein drugs are inherently unstable, but venoms in particular are designed to be stable under bad conditions.”

Because the toxins in the venom bind very specifically to the receptors of its prey, they have the potential to target only the cancer cells themselves, unlike … Read More »

The Best Cancer Care: Being There

Sometimes, the best cancer care is knowing how to be a good friend.

Receiving a diagnosis of cancer is life-altering, and having a strong support system is crucial. When a friend or loved one is undergoing cancer care, you may feel at a loss as to how to provide the best support, without overstepping boundaries or causing the person any undue stress. These steps, courtesy of Hired Hands Homecare, the best elderly care Napa has to offer, are a great place to start.

Be present. Find out the best times to visit the person with cancer, and then simply be there, to listen, talk, and even laugh together when appropriate, which can bring a breath of fresh air to someone looking to maintain a sense of normalcy.
Bring a treat. The effects of chemotherapy and radiation can cause exhaustion, making it … Read More »

What to Do When a Senior Is Unaware of Dementia Behaviors

Anosognosia for dementia patients, or the unawareness of dementia behaviors, can be challenging.

“How could you think that I have dementia? There’s not a single thing wrong with me!”

If a loved one with dementia expresses feelings like this, you might be thinking that he or she is simply in denial and unwilling to accept such a difficult diagnosis. Yet, there might be another reason: anosognosia, when a person is truly unaware that he or she is impaired by dementia.

Finding the most effective way to respond to a senior who is unfamiliar with his or her own dementia behaviors is a challenge. As the professional providers of the best elderly care Pleasanton and the surrounding area have to offer, we’ve compiled some tips to help family caregivers better manage care for someone with anosognosia:

Understand that the older … Read More »

Tips for Navigating a Dementia Diagnosis

Find tips to help when a loved one receives a dementia diagnosis.

In some cases, the best lessons in life come about from going through them firsthand; yet the knowledge we are able to glean from those who have walked a similar path before us is priceless. If you are providing care for a senior who has been given a dementia diagnosis, and you’re becoming a bit stressed in this uncharted territory, the recommendations below can help:

A brief break often makes a big difference. Whenever your senior loved one is struggling with challenging feelings, such as fear or anger, it is advisable to stop whatever activity or task she is involved with, and allow time for a breather. Change the situation by moving into a different room or outside if the weather allows, play some favorite music, browse … Read More »

Dealing with Dementia: The Two Top Treatment Options

When dealing with dementia, one of these two treatment options may be recommended.

The most recent Alzheimer’s statistics are worrying. The condition has become the 6th leading cause of death, overtaking both breast cancer and prostate cancer combined. And though deaths from several chronic conditions, including cardiovascular disease, are declining, those from Alzheimer’s have escalated more than 100%. The toll the condition takes on family caregivers with a loved one who is dealing with dementia is similarly shocking, with well over 16 million Americans supplying over 18 billion hours of caregiving for a loved one with Alzheimer’s.

Although we have yet to realize a cure for Alzheimer’s disease, there are two distinct forms of treatment options that can help alleviate some of the more prevalent symptoms. If your parent is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, the following are two options … Read More »

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Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us at (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

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