Elderly Personal Care Includes Skin Care: Tips to Enhance the Health of Aging Skin
It’s not an aspect of elderly personal care that’s as commonly discussed as other tasks, but is crucial to keeping seniors healthy nonetheless. Aging skin care issues can cause a wide variety of distress for seniors, including discomfort, bruising, dryness, itching, and more.
The home care professionals at Hired Hands Homecare work hard to keep older adults safe and healthy from head to toe, and that includes healthy skin. We’ve outlined below some of the more common skin difficulties in aging, and some suggestions to help.
According to Medscape, an overwhelming majority of adults over age 65 are troubled by dry, flaky, itchy skin, which results from a reduction in sweat and oil glands.
How to help:
The senior should take less frequent showers or baths, using warm (not hot) water, gently dry the skin, and apply moisturizer
See if “dry bath” products work … Read More »
Keeping Bathroom Safety a Priority in Honor of National Bath Safety Month
How could something that’s so comforting and soothing, like a nice, warm bath, be one of the biggest dangers to older adults? The truth is, combining smooth surfaces, slippery soap and hot water create the perfect storm for a fall danger – one of the most severe risks to aging adults.
January is designated as National Bath Safety Month, and it’s a great chance for both education and assessment to ensure the utmost bathroom safety for your senior loved ones.
The Consumer Product Safety Commission reports that about 370 people of all ages suffer bathtub or shower-related injuries each day in the United States. Because most falls in the house take place in the bathroom, AARP recommends taking the following precautions:
Install grab bars for the toilet, shower, and bathtub
Install non-skid tile or use non-skid bath mats
Set the temperature of the home’s hot … Read More »
How to Turn Bathtime Personal Care Battles into Bliss
What feels finer than sinking into a warm, relaxing bath at the conclusion of a long, busy day? While most of us relish the luxurious comfort that bathtime brings, for seniors, especially those struggling with the challenges of dementia or Alzheimer’s disease, it’s certainly not blissful.
For many different reasons, such as memory issues, feelings of vulnerability, or physical distress from the pressure or temperature of the water, helping a senior with the personal care tasks of bathing can feel a lot more like entering a battleground.
Hired Hands Homecare of California wants to help restore the joy of bathtime for both the senior and his or her caregiver with these ideas:
Ensure safety. Keeping the bath area free from hazards is critical. Make certain that:
Grab bars and mats that are slip-resistant are strategically placed in and around the tub
The water temperature is … Read More »
When Care Roles Are Reversed: What You Need to Know to Provide a Parent Care
Mom and Dad have always been there, from your first breath to your first step to your first date, and have remained your biggest cheerleaders well into adulthood. But lately, there’s been a subtle shift in the relationship, as they begin to have more needs themselves due to the effects of aging. Of course you want to be there for them; and you’re far from alone.
National studies report that a little over one out of every four households (29 percent) is involved in providing care for a chronically ill, disabled or aged family member or friend. Since the population of people over 65 years is expected to increase at a 2.3 percent rate, the need for parent care solutions increases each year.
Providing home care for a parent, as fulfilling as it certainly can be, can result in a major upheaval … Read More »
Vineyard Commons Health Fair
Cindy and Jake of Hired Hands Sonoma
office recently attended Vineyard Commons Health Fair. Hired Hands Homecare had a table with health information and a 30 minute presentation on Super Foods was given by Cindy in the Commons Lounge.
Hired Hands also had a Super Foods gift basket to raffle for the residents there. It was a great event for the residents and was well attended.
Congrats to the winner of the gift basket!
Thank You Zufan!
Sonoma’s September Employee of the Month
Our latest Employee of the Month is Zufan Almedom! Zufan began working for Hired Hands Homecare in December of 2015. Zufan brings to the table years of CNA experience, a positive attitude and a willingness to jump in and help when needed. Thanks Zufan!!
“I called the house to check in and spoke with Katherine. She told me Zufan has been great with her husband and she asked that we send Zufan back to cover nights whenever she can. She’s really proactive!”
During our conversation, Becky told me that Zufan and the staff have been doing a wonderful job and Becky is glad we have her on their weekly team!
I called Sharon to check in, introduce myself and see how Zufan had done today. Sharon told me, “Zufan was wonderful! She helped Lee with a bed … Read More »
Take a Step Toward Better Diabetic Foot Care
Taking a leisurely afternoon stroll in the park, the feel of your toes in the sand at the beach, dancing to your favorite song. The one thing these happy moments all have in common is that they require strong, healthy feet. One of the top concerns for diabetics, aside from managing the disease itself, is the damage that diabetes can cause to the feet. Because of the potential for nerve damage, restricted blood flow, and a weakened immune system, wounds, particularly on the feet, can be difficult to heal.
To stay a step ahead of diabetes-related foot problems, try these tips courtesy of the American Diabetes Association:
Keep your diabetes in check: Stay on top of your diabetes care overall with your health care team, keeping your blood glucose in the appropriate range.
Check your feet daily: Set aside time each day to … Read More »
In-Home Care Proves Invaluable For California Seniors with Diabetes
As we’ve noted in previous blogs, diabetes is a serious disease that requires constant management, but when that management is successful, senior diabetics can live long, healthy lives. When a senior’s diabetes is not properly cared for, however, he or she is at a higher risk for major complications such as heart disease and stroke, blindness, kidney disease, and even amputation. If you are concerned that your loved one may need help managing his or her diabetes care, home care can be an invaluable service that provides you with peace of mind and your loved one with the daily care, encouragement, and assistance that he or she needs.
Here are a few ways home care can help people in California with diabetes live healthier, happier lives at home:
A senior with reduced vision may not see a small foot sore that could quickly … Read More »
Open Your Eyes to These 3 Diabetes-Related Vision Impairments
Our eyes are our windows to the world, but we often don’t see just how vital our vision is until it becomes compromised. Diabetes can affect almost all parts of the body, quite literally from head to toe, and diabetics are at an increased risk for both blindness and other minor vision impairments.
If you or a loved one is living with diabetes, keep an eye out for these top eye conditions that may affect diabetics, according to the American Diabetes Association:
Glaucoma: Since diabetics are at a 40% higher risk of contracting glaucoma, it’s imperative to be screened regularly. The risk also increases with age and with the length of time a person has had diabetes. There are medications available to reduce pressure in the eye, and surgical options as well.
Cataracts: As with glaucoma, the risk of cataracts is more common … Read More »
Hired Hands Homecare Dispels Common Diabetes Myths
“No cake for you!” “You shouldn’t eat that bread either.” As the number of cases of diabetes in America continues to rise, so, sadly do the myths that surround the disease. For years, there have been many common misconceptions about diabetes, but the California senior care experts at Hired Hands Homecare want to help set the record straight. We’ve compiled a list of some common diabetes myths and the facts that go with them to help you make more informed choices about diabetes care.
Myth: Diabetes isn’t that serious.
Fact: Diabetes is a serious disease. Diabetes causes more deaths per year than breast cancer and AIDS combined. Two out of three people with diabetes die from heart disease or stroke. People with diabetes can often live relatively normal lives, but they must adhere to their doctors’ prescribed treatment for the disease which … Read More »