Yes, There’s Help for Chronic Fatigue in Older Adults
Learn how to recognize and better manage chronic fatigue in older adults.
Some mornings, the snooze button is your best friend—offering a few extra precious moments of rest. But for many older adults, fatigue is more than just morning grogginess; it’s an all-encompassing exhaustion that seeps into every part of their day. As one chronic fatigue sufferer vividly described, “I feel like my battery is permanently drained. It’s as if I’m a dish rag that’s been wrung out and left with nothing to give.”
Recognizing and Resolving Senior Anxiety
If you suspect senior anxiety in someone you love, help is available.
Does an older adult you care about seem more withdrawn, restless, or forgetful than usual? While these changes may appear to be part of aging, they might actually indicate something deeper: senior anxiety.
Anxiety is more than just occasional worry or stress. In older adults, it can manifest in subtle or unexpected ways, including:
Persistent, obsessive thoughts
Recurrent nightmares that disrupt sleep
Repetitive behaviors, like checking and re-checking that appliances are off
Physical symptoms, such as sweating, dizziness, or a racing heart
Overreactions to otherwise manageable stressors
What Contributes to Anxiety in Aging Adults?
Aging brings unique challenges that may contribute to anxiety, including:
Side effects from medications
Chronic illnesses or reduced mobility
Grieving the loss of a loved one
Concerns about declining independence or financial stability
Unresolved childhood trauma
These factors, combined with changes in … Read More »
Tips to Overcome the Challenges of Medical Tests for Older Adults
Ease the process of medical tests for older adults with these tips.
There’s often nothing “routine” about a routine checkup. You may arrive to your appointment perfectly fine, but leave with orders for blood work along with other medical tests a doctor recommends to keep you as healthy as possible. These tests may be nothing more than a minor inconvenience for you, but medical tests for older adults could be challenging for many reasons: transportation problems, mobility issues, thinner skin, fragile veins, cognitive difficulties, and much more.
Supporting Mental Health in Aging Parents and Breaking the Stigma
Supporting mental health in aging parents starts with recognizing the signs and addressing the stigma around mental health care.
Mental health is a critical aspect of well-being throughout life, and it becomes even more significant as our parents grow older. For many older adults, however, talking about mental health can be especially difficult due to ingrained stigmas and the values they were raised with. It’s important to understand why older loved ones might be hesitant to discuss mental health and to recognize the signs that they might be struggling. This knowledge can guide you in supporting mental health in aging parents to ensure they receive the support and care they need.
Tips to Incorporate Fruits and Veggies into a Senior’s Diet
Learn how to incorporate fruits and veggies into a senior’s diet today!
Most people, including seniors, prefer carbs to carrots. And that can make it challenging to meet a senior’s nutritional needs. The Center for Disease Control and Prevention shares that only one in 10 older adults is meeting the recommendation of at least two servings of fruit and three servings of vegetables each day. Numerous studies have revealed that older adults who do follow these guidelines reduce their risk for heart disease, diabetes, as well as other chronic health issues, and ultimately live longer lives.
When you run into challenges finding a diet that supports a senior’s nutritional needs, you may have to find creative ways to incorporate fruits and veggies into a senior’s diet. For example:
Add a crunch. If the senior loves a crunch, there … Read More »
What People With Alzheimer’s Want You to Know
Improve communication with someone you love by learning what people with Alzheimer’s want you to know.
If you’ve ever wished you could look a senior with dementia in the eye and understand exactly what they’re thinking, we just might be able to help you with that! Communicating effectively with someone with dementia isn’t easy, especially as the disease progresses. Following are several statements provided by people with Alzheimer’s to give you some insight into what it feels like to live with the disease.
You haven’t lost me. A diagnosis of dementia does impact a person in many ways, but it doesn’t change the essence of who they are. “I love the same people and doing the same things I did before my diagnosis,” explains Dale Rivard. It’s essential to recognize that while memory and cognitive abilities may decline, the … Read More »
The Most Important Vitamins for Older Adults
With all of the options on store shelves, which are the most important vitamins for older adults?
Minerals, vitamins, and supplements – oh my! Nearly three in four older adults are taking them; but are they really needed as we get older? After all, a balanced and healthy diet offers older adults essential nutrients. But there are specific areas of deficiency that may make a case for the addition of a supplement. Make sure to talk with the doctor before making any changes, but with their recommendation or approval, consider the following important vitamins for older adults:
Aging bones are susceptible to breaks and fractures when calcium intake is inadequate. This is especially true for post-menopausal women, with a full 50% of those over age 50 breaking a bone because of osteoporosis. However, men are also in … Read More »
Understanding Chemo Brain and Its Effects
Chemo brain can last for months or even years after treatment has ended.
Memory lapses, confusion, and difficulty concentrating—these symptoms could easily be attributed to Alzheimer’s, but for cancer survivors, there’s another likely culprit: chemotherapy. Referred to as chemotherapy induced cognitive impairment (CICI) or “chemo brain,” these effects can linger for months or even years after treatment concludes. It’s not exclusive to chemotherapy recipients, either; radiation, surgery, hormonal treatments, and even the cancer itself can contribute to cognitive challenges, complicating effective treatment.
Exploring the Complexity:
Dr. Kevin Liou from the Bendhaim Integrative Medicine Center at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center emphasizes that cancer-related cognitive impairment is a multifaceted issue with various contributing factors. This complexity means that chemo brain can manifest at any point during or after cancer treatment, presenting symptoms like difficulty multitasking, reading comprehension issues, word-finding … Read More »
Concerned It Might Be Dementia? Here’s How to Bring It Up to the Doctor.
You may be afraid to talk with the doctor if you’re concerned it might be dementia, but these tips can help.
Distress. Embarrassment. Fear. If you’re concerned it might be dementia, the feelings surrounding a potential diagnosis can force you to keep your suspicions to yourself. An AARP survey peeled away some of the layers of emotion to find the reason – namely, worry over losing independence and becoming a burden to others.
While there is some truth to these worries, there are also some misconceptions fueling them. As an example, roughly 1/2 of the participants, who were adults age 40 and over, believe they’re likely to get dementia as they grow older. The truth is that just over 10% of older adults over age 65 are identified as having Alzheimer’s disease.
Because of this, it’s critical for … Read More »
Join Us at the Expo!
Join us today from 10 to 3 at the 2023 Senior Disability Tech Expo!
Proudly sponsored by Sonoma County Senior Advocacy Services and HICAP.
Sonoma County Fairgrounds
Grace Pavilion
1350 Bennet Valley RD
Santa Rosa, CA
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