Take These Steps to Avoid Overmedication and Adverse Medication Reactions in Seniors
Taking too much or too little of a medication or taking it the wrong way can lead to adverse medication reactions in seniors.
The days of “take two aspirin and call me in the morning” have morphed into “take two of these…and two of these…and maybe one of those, too!” Nearly forty percent of seniors are taking at least five different prescription medications each day – not to mention vitamins, supplements, and OTC meds. It is easy to understand why overmedication and adverse medication reactions in seniors are extremely common.
Take these actions to avoid medication problems for someone you love:
Make a list, and check it twice. Create a list of every one of the medications – both over-the-counter and prescription – that the person is currently taking. Share the list with all of their healthcare providers, and … Read More »
Watch for These Early Signs of Mobility Problems in Older Adults
All family caregivers need to know the early signs of mobility problems in older adults in order to prevent falls or other serious injuries.
Benjamin Franklin certainly had it right: An ounce of prevention is really worth a pound of cure. When it comes to noticing and addressing the early signs of mobility problems in older adults, prevention is a must. Falls in seniors lead to 3 million emergency room visits, 300,000 hip fractures, and 32,000 deaths every year, according to research by the CDC.
Preempt a tragedy by keeping an eye out for these warning signs of increasing mobility issues in older loved ones:
Experiencing dizziness. Dizziness and issues with balance can develop from a variety of contributing factors that ultimately cause problems with mobility. It’s important to discover why these issues are taking place and address them … Read More »
The Final Stage of Alzheimer’s: What to Expect
Being prepared for the final stage of Alzheimer’s is key to continuing to help make life as meaningful as possible for someone you love.
The journey through Alzheimer’s disease can be compared to navigating a winding road that spans years, riddled with intermittent stops, starts, unexpected twists, and a plethora of unknowns. As the dedicated caregiver for an individual grappling with dementia, having foresight about what to expect around the next bend is paramount. This knowledge empowers you to not only be well-prepared but also to administer the most fitting and compassionate level of care in the final stage of Alzheimer’s.
Alzheimer’s, being a highly individualized experience, manifests uniquely in each person. Yet there are certain commonalities at every stage of the disease. When an individual transitions into the last stage, discernible challenges emerge, including struggles with eating … Read More »
Why Alzheimer’s Caregivers Say They Need to Go It Alone – And Why It’s a Bad Idea
“You can make it, but it’s easier if you don’t have to do it alone.” – Betty Ford
Alzheimer’s caregivers may feel as though they are the only ones who can provide the best care for an older loved one, but finding a care partner is vitally important.
As a family member caring for a loved one with dementia, you know firsthand how challenging it can be. It’s definitely never a role that Alzheimer’s caregivers should try to fill on their own. Yet, many caregivers struggle with seeking the support they need, intensifying stress and leaving minimal room for self-care, a vital aspect for those in caregiving roles.
See if you can relate to these top reasons given by family caregivers for attempting to provide care solo, and why they need to be reconsidered:
Dad would not want another … Read More »
3 Steps to Better Advocate for an Aging Parent
Trusting someone you love to the care of someone else is never easy, particularly for a senior family member. Whether at home or in a facility, you’ll have questions you need answered. You will also want to be ready to advocate for an aging parent to proactively address any potential problems and also to quickly take care of issues that do take place.
For instance, review the following common situations and how to most effectively advocate should they arise with an older adult you love:
The person has dementia. A loved one with Alzheimer’s might not be able to effectively communicate their wishes and needs. As an example, a new caregiver may not realize that Dad wears inserts in his shoes and she may put his shoes on each day without them. Dad may not know how to communicate this … Read More »
Reminiscing in Dementia: How to Spark Memories and Instill Joy
Memory loss and dementia may seem synonymous. Yet it’s crucial to understand that long-term memory frequently remains intact long into the progression of the disease. For this reason, tapping into those distant memories is a good way to help an older adult with Alzheimer’s stay engaged in current conversations by connecting to the past. Reminiscing in dementia can help older adults:
Better connect to others through sharing stories
Instill self-confidence by bringing to mind the numerous accomplishments they have made as well as the lives they’ve impacted
Minimize some of the adverse effects of Alzheimer’s, such as restlessness, wandering, agitation, and more
Reduce negative emotions and stress by shifting the focus to happier times
Reminiscing in dementia, also known as reminiscence therapy, doesn’t have to be elaborate. Begin by cracking open a photo album and simply looking at pictures together. Then let … Read More »
What You Need to Know About Clutter and Dementia
Clutter and dementia may seem like an unhealthy combination, but research is showing some surprising benefits between the two.
Decluttering is a vital component to safety for individuals with dementia, particularly in ensuring walking paths are clear to prevent falls. However, there may be some surprising benefits to controlled clutter, according to a study by the University of East Anglia that explored the link between clutter and dementia.
Walking Each Other Home: How to Ease End-of-Life Care
Learn how to ease end-of-life care with these tips.
Although the holiday season may be filled with joy, it can also spark feelings of loss and nostalgia for loved ones who are no longer with us. It’s also an incredibly poignant time for anyone who is caring for a loved one nearing the end of life. The ebbs and tides of life, as we know, do not always follow our schedules, routines, or desired outcomes. It becomes crucial to know how to ease end-of-life care to bring much-needed comfort during this trying time.
If you are in the midst of a season of providing end-of-life care, here are some thoughts to keep in mind that will help you best help the person in your care – as well as yourself.
Provide a calming environment. Ram Dass, author of … Read More »
The Strategy You Have to Try: Virtual Reality in Dementia Care
Virtual reality in dementia care can be highly effective in improving engagement, communication, and joy.
Imagine for a moment how it could feel to struggle with the cognitive challenges of dementia. The people who are closest to you are now unfamiliar. The words and phrases that would roll off your tongue without a second thought are now just beyond your grasp. In fact, the world as you once knew it has turned completely topsy-turvy, leaving you yearning for a recognizable foothold.
However, one of the kindnesses imparted by Alzheimer’s is the long-term memories that oftentimes remain intact long after short-term memories have disappeared. It’s why connecting older adults with Alzheimer’s to the past is often a remarkably effective way to engage them – through music, movies, photos, and reminiscing. Now we can add a high-tech tool to the … Read More »
Why You Need to Find a Geriatrician for the Best Senior Health Care
The best senior health care is provided by a geriatrician who is an expert in the unique needs of older adults.
If your child suddenly developed an illness, who would you call? It’s a no-brainer; many parents have the number on speed dial for the pediatrician they’ve carefully chosen to manage the medical care needs of their children. With their specialized training, working with a trusted pediatrician ensures the best possible care.
Likewise, selecting the best senior health care provider who focuses on specific health concerns of older adults is equally as important. However, sadly, the health care system as a whole has not placed a great focus on the unique health care needs of seniors. Dr. Carla Perissinotto, geriatrician and professor of medicine at the University of California, San Francisco, shares her alarm over this age-related health … Read More »