Search Results for "chronic disease"

How Care Management Can Improve Chronic Disease Care

Posted on March 30th, by Mark Winter in Chronic Conditions, Health, Senior Health, Senior Medical Care. No Comments

Care management is an essential component to effective chronic disease care.

Juggling the numerous medical appointments, procedures, tests, medications, lifestyle changes, and more is a way of life for the many seniors with chronic health needs. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, a full 85% of seniors have at least one chronic health care need, and 60% are diagnosed with two or more. The challenges may seem overwhelming. But there’s one essential component to effectively managing a chronic health condition: care management.

Diagnoses such as diabetes, COPD, heart disease, and more are life-changing. They impact a person’s mental as well as physical health, and it’s important to enlist help in meeting all care needs. Geriatric care managers, also known as aging life care specialists, are skilled professionals with expertise in meeting all of the diverse … Read More »

Tips for Seniors: Embracing Life in Spite of a Chronic Disease Diagnosis

A chronic disease diagnosis doesn’t mean an end to finding joy in life.

Have you ever gotten out of bed and said, “It’s probably going to be one of those days!” Perhaps your alarm didn’t go off, the hot water heater decided to stop working, and the dog chewed up one of your favorite shoes overnight. Then imagine if every day were “one of those days!” For an individual living with a chronic disease (and that’s much of the elderly population), routine struggles and challenges can be a given.

However, there are many steps that older adults can take to realize and maintain a life of joy, even in the face of a chronic disease diagnosis. For instance:

Follow passions. Discovering purpose and meaning in each day is essential – and possible. Many seniors find gratification in assisting … Read More »

Accepting a Chronic Disease Diagnosis Is Beneficial for Seniors and Their Family Members

Facing a chronic disease diagnosis head-on does not mean giving up.

In Isaac Asimov’s opinion, “The easiest way to solve a problem is to deny it exists.” It’s a standard feeling for many family caregivers when their loved one is faced with a chronic disease diagnosis, such as dementia. Even though this can instill some measure of comfort in thinking that life can carry on like it always has, if only we don’t acknowledge this new reality, the truth is that acknowledgement is extremely important in order to get the necessary support.

It is understandable for a family member to wish to deliver all of the care a senior loved one needs. Nevertheless, frequently in the crux of denial are feelings of guilt, helplessness, and in some cases incompetence in the ability to “fix things.” And you will … Read More »

How to Ease the Pain of Chronic Kidney Disease with In Home Care Services

For seniors who wish to remain in the comfort of home throughout aging – and, who wouldn’t? – in-home care services provide a lifeline, offering assistance with daily activities that can become difficult in later years and supplying a means of safety, security and enhanced independence. But what happens when an older adult is struggling with a disease, such as chronic kidney disease?

In-home senior care is not only possible for those with kidney disease, but it’s actually preferred over a move to a nursing home or assisted living facility. Consider some of the numerous ways that a professional in-home caregiver, such as Hired Hands Homecare provides, can help those who are at risk for or diagnosed with kidney disease:

Providing education on management of the disease. Caregivers work hand in hand with the senior’s doctor … Read More »

How to Empower Seniors to Take Control for Better Chronic Health Care

Seniors know best what they’re dealing with; empower them to take control of their chronic health care needs.

When it comes to chronic health care, seniors are the experts, hands down, with up to three out of four seniors affected by a number of conditions that are ongoing, necessitate long-term medical treatment, and place restrictions on activities. With the never-ending barrage of bloodwork as well as other tests, physicians’ appointments and procedures, and medications, managing chronic diseases usually takes both a physical and emotional toll, and may quickly become daunting.

Dr. Mary Tinetti, chief of geriatrics and internist at Yale School of Medicine, said, “Once you get three, four, or five and six diseases, several things happen: Number one, almost guaranteed, trying to get one of these diseases under control is going to make one of the other … Read More »

Napa Senior Living: Setting Personal Medical Care Goals When Facing Chronic Conditions

Setting medical care goals is beneficial when facing chronic conditions.

When it comes to chronic diseases, the elderly are usually the experts, hands down, with as many as three out of four older persons impacted by several conditions that are ongoing, necessitate extensive medical treatment, and put limits on activities. With the continuous barrage of bloodwork as well as other tests, doctors’ appointments and procedures, and medications, managing chronic conditions usually takes both a physical and emotional toll, and may very quickly become overwhelming.

Dr. Mary Tinetti, chief of geriatrics and internist at Yale School of Medicine, states, “Once you get three, four, or five and six diseases, several things happen: Number one, almost guaranteed, trying to get one of these diseases under control is going to make one of the other diseases worse. Number two: The more … Read More »

7 Steps to Help Prevent Diabetic Kidney Disease

It’s a fact…diabetes is the leading cause of kidney failure. Startlingly, upwards of 40 percent of individuals with diabetes will also ultimately develop chronic kidney disease.

How are diabetes and kidney disease related?

The purpose of our kidneys is to balance chemicals in the body, control blood pressure and keep our bones healthy, as well as remove waste and extra fluid from the blood. The kidneys’ filters are comprised of tiny blood vessels (called glomeruli), which can be damaged by high blood sugar levels, which in turn can lead to diabetic kidney disease. After the kidneys are damaged in this way, they can’t be repaired, and if not treated early, can progress further to kidney failure.

Is it possible to tell if the kidneys are being damaged?

Unfortunately, signs of kidney damage are not noticeable until after kidney … Read More »

The Post-Pandemic Health Care Appointments You Should Schedule Today

Learn about three post-pandemic health care appointments you may have been putting off, and why you should get them scheduled.

At the start of the pandemic, life as we knew it came to a screeching halt – including, in many cases, our health care needs. Dr. Ned Sharpless, director of the National Cancer Institute, shares, “There was a time, early in the pandemic, when we didn’t know much about this virus. So at that time, I think hospitals and clinics closing – that made sense.” But he goes on to explain that we know more now – and now is the time to get back on track with post-pandemic health care appointments and procedures.

We have evidence now that the health risks of avoiding exams and tests outweighs the risk of contracting COVID-19. Experts have outlined three key … Read More »

Add This to Drinking Water to Potentially Fight and Prevent Hypertension

This one simple addition to your next glass of water may just prevent hypertension.

Great news for the more than 116 million Americans who are fighting hypertension – and, for the rest of us who’d like to prevent hypertension. Recent studies shared in the Journal of the American Heart Association link calcium and magnesium to lowered blood pressure, and it might just be as easy as adding a certain combination of minerals to drinking water to benefit the entire population. 

The surprising results of the research uncovered that those who drank salinated water, compared to those who drank fresh water, experienced lower blood pressure levels – believed to have been the result of the positive benefits of calcium and magnesium outweighing the negative effects of the sodium. 

And though the resulting lowered blood pressure readings were small, Dr. … Read More »

What Does a Professional Care Manager Do?

Posted on March 9th, by Mark Winter in Aging, Benefits of Home Care, Care Manager, Caregivers. No Comments

A care manager can help families navigate senior care options.

Are you helping to manage a loved one’s care? If so, you know that hiring services and managing finances to make living at home a safe and viable solution for relatives can be overwhelming, to put it mildly. Many people who are helping loved ones simply do not know where to seek trusted advice, what questions to ask, or where to find a supportive care advocate. A professional care manager (sometimes called an Aging Life Care Professional) is a great resource for these situations. Professional care managers are experienced and trained to work with families to create and manage a detailed care plan that fits each adult’s needs with services such as:

Care planning assessments to determine needs, challenges and eligibility for assistance
Coordination and communication across all medical and … Read More »

Contact Us to Learn More!

Want to find out more about our senior care in California and how it can improve safety, comfort, and independence at home? Contact us at (866) 940-4343 to request a free in-home consultation to learn more about our customized care solutions in Novato, Pleasanton, Santa Rosa, Napa, Sonoma, and the surrounding areas.

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Hidden Disabilities in Seniors: How to Recognize and Combat Ableism

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